Beth Sholom Preservation Membership
Your support of the Beth Sholom Synagogue Preservation Foundation helps ensure the future of this Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece of modern design and our shared cultural heritage.
Membership Levels
Student ($35) Admission for one student for one year with valid ID
Individual ($50) Admission for one member for one year, 10% discount in Design Store
Household ($75) Admission for up to 2 adults and 2 children, 10% discount in Design Store
Aluminum Society ($150) Household plus 2 additional adults, 2 guest passes
Steel Society ($250) Aluminum plus Membership in North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM), Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (ROAM) & FLW National Reciprocal Sites Membership
Glass Society ($500) Steel plus, special gift from the Design Store, Free Household membership to give as gift
Benefits for Steel and Glass Society Memberships
The North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association® network is a mosaic of 1,170 art museums and galleries, historical museums and societies, botanical gardens, children’s museums, zoos and more. When you sign up with your favorite participating NARM institution you can receive reciprocal membership benefits across the United States, Canada, Bermuda, El Salvador and Mexico.